Thursday, June 28, 2007

6 Months!

Here I am on my 1-month Anniversary and then on my 6-month Anniversary. I still love my
Sisterlocks. The curly look I have in that 6-month shot is from my caruso steam rollers, love them, so fast and so easy.I am still braiding and banding when I was because a few of the locs on my temple still unravel between retightening sessions. I had been going every 6-weeks but I'm starting to do every 5-weeks, I'm hoping that will help the little wayward locs to stay locked! I think the best thing about my locs right now is that they feel great in summer. We had some 90-degree weather last week and I love to run outside. It was not a problem getting my hair back together and looking good. :) That's a great feeling!

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Almost 4-Mos Pic

I know it's been too long since I've written. I am just past 5 months SL'ed and loving them. :) This pic is at the Almost 4 month mark from early April. I am still braiding and banding when I wash my hair which I do once a week. I'm
amazed that I have not added anything to my hair no conditioner, no grease. Before SLs washing my hair natural hair used to be a long process with the deep 30-min conditioners and then combing through it, adding additional leave-in conditioners, braiding it and then blow drying it. SLs are really easy compared to that. So far so good. :)

Friday, March 9, 2007

2 1/2 month pics

1 Month Anniversary

Okay, here's my 1 month SL Anniversary, still grinning! I had a little trouble getting the Beau to take pics. He wasn't entirely on board when I made the SL decision. Hopefully he will come around. I told him don't be "jocking" when they get all long and pretty. (tee-hee-hee) :) Actually, I think it's the idea of blogging that he's not too crazy about. So you will see a lot of pics taken by ME!

2 1/2 Months SisterLocked

Whew! It has been awhile since I've written. I am still loving my sisterlocks and enjoying this process of watching my hair do it's thing. I will go for my 2nd retightening in a week or two. I wasn't really used to wearing my hari so short but I've come to appreciate the way my hair looks and enjoy this short style. I don't usually do much to my hair, just wash it (braid & band) every week. Once in awhile I will put caruso rollers in it. I really like the way it looks after I wash it, kind of curly on the ends. After working out it draws up a lot but it's still great to be able to leave the gym and have my hair looking decent after a workout! I love Sisterlocks for that!!

Monday, January 8, 2007

First Day!

I have been contemplating Sisterlocks for about 5 years! I ordered JoAnne's wonderful book back in 2002 and the pages are filled with pictures I copied from the web with 2002 dates! Finally, finally, finally 12/19/06 is my sisterlock birthday! 3 weeks tomorrow. I am so thrilled that I finally did it! I am looking forward to this transformation and sharing it with you!

Some of my Former Looks: The puff and the perm

More 1st Day Photos