Thursday, June 28, 2007

6 Months!

Here I am on my 1-month Anniversary and then on my 6-month Anniversary. I still love my
Sisterlocks. The curly look I have in that 6-month shot is from my caruso steam rollers, love them, so fast and so easy.I am still braiding and banding when I was because a few of the locs on my temple still unravel between retightening sessions. I had been going every 6-weeks but I'm starting to do every 5-weeks, I'm hoping that will help the little wayward locs to stay locked! I think the best thing about my locs right now is that they feel great in summer. We had some 90-degree weather last week and I love to run outside. It was not a problem getting my hair back together and looking good. :) That's a great feeling!